Today I had the first workshop leading up to the Princess Party 2018 which takes place on the 5th of May. Today the group of 10 girls from Heideveld & Manenberg had their introduction session in which I got to know more about them & the challenges they face in their communities. For those who aren't aware of what the Princess Party is about allow me to summarize it for you quickly. I started the Princess Party at the age of 16 my only goal at that time was to make girls who have nothing feel as if they're worthy of everything that's good in this world. The princess party started with girls from children's home's in Crawford & Wynberg and has grown since then. The aim of the Princess Party went from only being concerned about cute dresses to finding ways to educate young girls on the Cape Flats so that they grow up to be women of strength & make a difference in their communities. Within the Kaapse Vlakte we are faced with many challenges & this project aims to arm these girls with the tools to overcome these challenges & not let it overpower them. marine corps ball dresses
Communities I'll be working with :
*Mitchell's Plain
Topics :
* Affects gangsterism has on girls (coloured communities)
* Teenage partying & the risks that come along with it
* Rape culture & breaking down the "sy's ougat" mentality in the coloured communities.
*Menstruation cycle education
*Know your power
*Personal Hygiene
And so much more topics will be discussed. We're all aware of how expensive sanitary towels are & many girls cannot afford the necessary toiletries they need. Donations for the girls will be highly appreciated.
The girls will need :
*Sanitary towels
*Any other toiletries (within your personal budget
Other donations such as :
* dresses
* decorations
By donating towards the Princess Party you'll help me empower girls on the Cape Flats to find their voices & make a difference in their communities. I'll be catering to 20 girls , aged 9-18 on the 5th of May 2018.
God bless
0715835467 phone number for donations